Larry G.'s review of Management Success

Management Success

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Medi-Cal Regulation Specialists
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 8/28/2013
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Before & After
Before Management Success. 65 to 75 hours a week, 40K a year. Now 6 years later with them consulting me along the way, 25 to 30 hours a week pays 88K. Do the math it equals HAPPY! Before I worked the longest and hardest in my shop because I didn't know
how to manage my employees. Now half the time they kick me out. I've put policies and procedures in place that allow my employees the freedom to do there jobs. They have more control knowing exactly what's expected of them. Before I took money in and as long
as I paid the bills and myself I felt good. Now I've learned the importance of watching our margins, parts & labor costs, car count, billed hours, and so much more. That knowledge has helped me save money, pay my guys top wages, have the best equipment, and
continue to expand. I once was a great Technician and I knew how to keep customers happy. Now after a weekend seminar 6 short years ago I'm still all those things and I've become a great business owner. If I would have been to busy or stubborn to go sit and
listen my kids would have a part time father married to a shop. Thanks Management Success for all you do.
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Glendale, CA 91204
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