Simon M Z.'s review of

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 4/15/2015
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I am STUNNED by the beauty of the rings!
Dear Stephen: When I received my two rings yesterday I was STUNNED by their beauty, craftsmanship and perfection! The sardonyx literally glows outside in the light and the details of the engraving blows my mind (even the tiniest details of bricks, leaves and olives can be seen on the ring's faces). They surpassed my very high expectations and wearing it now makes me feel like I have always had it on my finger. A perfect fit! Truly a work of art, not simply a ring but an heirloom. I have seen comparable work in Europe but never in America until now. I had planned on bringing out the rings for a 25th anniversary that is upcoming in July but could not conceive of hiding these two precious masterpieces until then. Yesterday I presented the other ring and am wearing mine as well. Something so singular cannot be hidden. Thank you for being so professional, kind and patient with me during this time as the two rings were being created. I never thought I would buy such custom pieces over the internet, but I am glad I ignored my fears and trusted my instincts. I will definitely work with you again in the future and ask you and your engraver to create another treasure for me! Simon M. Zayas
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