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3/26/2010 11:14 AM (PST)
Has anyone been with First Choice Debt Resolution for a long time and how are they doing?
3/26/2010 12:35 PM (PST)
The BBB in West Palm Beach gives them a C- rating and they only have 1 TrustLink review, which isn't very much information. They may be a new company. Unfortunately, few of the people that enroll in these types of programs see any debts settled. Most though, wind up owing more than when they began and a lot are forced to file bankruptcy to get rid of all the lawsuits and collection actions. They'll might tell you to stop making payments to the card companies and when this happens, the companies file suit and do whatever they can to get their money. More often than not, at the end of the program, you'll be much worse off than when you started.
4/8/2010 3:16 PM (PST)
This is a concerning situation in nowadays business, opinionated people with a supposed expert sign that is given to users who give their demographic data to the BBB, are endorsing in a negative form and generalizing the facts. An expert will advise you to review information from the United States organization for bankruptcy alternatives prior to dismissing and labeling a program or service. Quite Frankly I do not know what type of expertise or experience in this line of business this person might have however. Much to desire from an "expert" who fails the essential that any expert would do.. Send them to the source to gather and investigate on their own. I did one of these programs for supposedly 4 years, and I ended up out of the debt in a bit over 3 and a half years. With a credit cleaned up and ready to rebuild. I am no expert but I suggest you THE CUSTOMER find the information on your own and don;t credit or discredit things for an "expert" comment.
4/8/2010 3:21 PM (PST)
I have been with this company as a Licensed by the State of Florida for a year. You obviously have no clue what you're talking about when it comes to our company. Yes, we do settle millions of dollars monthly for our clients through our licensed negotiators, and our clients are completing our program. Therefore debt free without the stigma of bankruptcy on there credit reports. With the current state of the economy and people losing there homes to foreclosure on a regular basis, this is a relief. This way they have a chance of keeping their homes and putting food on the table. You really should do some research in a field prior to answering a question, in which you didnt answer in the first place. His question: Has anyone been with First Choice Debt Resolution for a long time and how are they doing? Well, due to the privacy act that we are bound by, no names are given. Therefore if you go to our website you can see for yourself the testimonials and facts of settlement. If Larry would like to call our company, we can email you proof as well. And thank you for your question.
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